TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NA Fuel pump Replacement, Replacement
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Subject NA Fuel pump Replacement, Replacement
Posted by Cjw3 on March 16, 2025 at 8:44 PM
  This message has been viewed 131 times.
Message My 90 NA is a put together from three cars.. Driving it for about 12 years now. After the initial assembly it had a problem if Random Dying at Speed when outside Temps are HOT.. Not stop along the road, Dead, just acceleration would stop, and back out of the throttle and it'd live and drive.. Once every few months only during the summer.
as a result I could only trouble shoot it during the heat of the summer ( over 100 Deg ).
I finally got the problem resolved two years ago as a Temp Related Problem with the MAF sensor..
One of the Last things I changed before the MAF sensor was the Fuel Pump.. The Chasis had ~220K miles on it then, so fuel pump did not seem out of the Question. I put in a Delphi from Rock Auto.. Identical Replacement.. Been driving on it with no problems.. Now that the MAF was changed and the Car is reliable, I'm driving it a LOT more.. It's my DD.
About 3 Months ago, I thought I could hear the Fuel Pump making Noise.. Or maby it was always making that noise and I'm just hearing it now because I've got some of the Interior out because I had Body Work done to the Right rear where I was hit in a Parking LOT.. ( And he left a Note! )..
Now that the Car is back together from the Body Work, I'm convinced I'm hearing a LOT of Fuel pump Noise.. Time for another Fuel Pump..

Delphi.. Rock Auto.. Got it last week.. Rained.. Not doing a fuel pump in the Rain.. This weekend.. Sunny.. and I have my 13 Year Old Grandkid.. Time to show him how to do a fuel pump in the Z..

Pull out the Pump, and the First thing I notice is the Sock is GREY in color.. Its covered in Ground up Metal.. ????.. Then look into the Tank, and it has Metal Flakes all along the Bottom.. DAMIT.. Fuel pump is committing suicide on me..

I had less than a Quarter of a Tank.. so rigged up some fort of pump and pulled the Silver flakes out.. PITA but it has to be done..

Back together and all is well..

HOWEVER I will be listening for this fuel pump more closely, and if I think I'm hearing it be loud, I'm swapping it to something other than another Delphi..

Next step is change the Fuel Filter Can and cut it to see what it looks like..

Just a FYI..


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